Below are listed all publications in date order. Links are provided to most. Some publications have copyright restrictions, but where possible alternates are provided if you do not have access. If you cannot get access to particular articles, please be in touch at ians(at), and I will try and send you a copy (not possible for books I am afraid).

Please search my Researchgate profile for copies of publications:


Navigating Uncertainty: Radical Rethinking for a Turbulent World. I Scoones. London: Polity.

Global land deals: what has been done, what has changed, and what’s next?,WW Wolford, B White, I Scoones, R Hall, M Edelman, SM Borras, The Journal of Peasant Studies, 1-38.

Policy and practice disconnects and resilience building in pastoral areas of the Horn of Africa. I Scoones. Nairobi: International Livestock Research Institute

Climate Change and Critical Agrarian Studies. I Scoones, SM Borras Jr, A Baviskar, M Edelman, NL Peluso, W Wolford (eds.), London: Taylor & Francis

Economics for an uncertain world, G DeMartino, I Grabel, I Scoones, World Development 173, 106426.


Confronting uncertainties in pastoral areas: transforming development from control to care, I Scoones, Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale 31 (4), 57-75
Post‐pandemic transformations and the recasting of development: A comment and further reflections, M Leach, H MacGregor, I Scoones, P Taylor, Development and Change 54 (6), 1575-1593
Uncertainty in the drylands: Rethinking in/formal insurance from pastoral East Africa, L Johnson, T Shariff Mohamed, I Scoones, M Taye, Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 55 (8), 1928-1950
Rethinking policies for pastoralists–governing the rangelands. M Nori, I Scoones, The Rangeland Journal 45 (2), 53-66

Grazing research should consider mobility and governancel, P Manzano, FM Azcarate, S Bencherif, D Burgas, B Byambaa, M Cabeza, et al. Science 378 (6622)

Gordon Conway (1938-2023), leader in sustainable development. I. Scoones, Nature, 623(7985), p. 27.

Pandemic preparedness for the real world, A Wilkinson, H MacGregor, I Scoones et al. Brighton; IDS
Living with and from uncertainty: lessons from pastoralists for development, I Scoones, M Nori. In: Pastoralism, Uncertainty and Development. Rugby: Practical Action Publishing.
Pastoralism, uncertainty, and development: perspectives from the rangelands, I Scoones, M Nori, In: Pastoralism, Uncertainty and Development. Rugby: Practical Action Publishing.
Pastoralism, Uncertainty and Development, I Scoones (ed.), Rugby: Practical Action Publishing

Livestock, methane, and climate change: The politics of global assessments, I Scoones, Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 14 (1), e790.


What is ‘community resilience’? Responding to COVID-19 in rural Zimbabwe, IJ Bwerinofa, J Mahenehene, M Manaka, B Mulotshwa, F Murimbarimba, I Scoones, BMJ Global Health 7 (9), e009528
Providing social assistance and humanitarian relief: The case for embracing uncertainty, M Caravani, J Lind, R Sabates‐Wheeler, I Scoones, Development Policy Review 40 (5), e12613
What is environmental degradation, what are its causes, and how to respond? I Scoones. IDS Working Paper. Brighton: Institute of Development Studies

Living through a pandemic: competing COVID-19 narratives in rural Zimbabwe. IJ Bwerinofa, J Mahenehene, M Manaka, B Mulotshwa, F Murimbarimba, I Scoones. IDS Working Paper, 575. Brighton: IDS.

Learning in a Pandemic: Reflections on Covid-19 in Rural Zimbabwe. IJ Bwerinofa, J Mahenehene, M Manaka, B Mulotshwa, F Murimbarimba, I Scoones. Brighton: IDS.

Tobacco farming following land reform in Zimbabwe: A new dynamic of social differentiation and accumulation, .T Shonhe, I Scoones, V Mutyasira, F Murimbarimba, Journal of Southern African Studies 48 (2), 251-271.
Pastoralism, biodiversity and health: Why pastoralists must be central to nature conservation, I Scoones. Nairobi: ILRI.
The politics of medium-scale farming in Zimbabwe, I Scoones, F Murimbarimba, In: The Future of Zimbabwe’s Agrarian Sector, pp. 14-33
High reliability knowledge networks: Responding to animal diseases in a pastoral area of northern Kenya, A Tasker, I Scoones, The Journal of Development Studies 58 (5), 968-988.
A new politics of uncertainty: towards convivial development in Africa I Scoones, In: African Futures, pp. 101-110
Embracing uncertainty: rethinking migration policy through pastoralists’ experiences, N Maru, M Nori, I Scoones, G Semplici, A Triandafyllidou, Comparative Migration Studies 10 (1), 5
Agricultural commercialisation and changing labour regimes in Zimbabwe, T Shonhe, I Scoones, F Murimbarimba, Journal of Contemporary African Studies 40 (1), 78-96

Private and state‐led contract farming in Zimbabwe: Accumulation, social differentiation and rural politics, T Shonhe, I Scoones, Journal of Agrarian Change 22 (1), 118-138.


Small towns and land reform in Zimbabwe, I Scoones, F Murimbarimba, The European Journal of Development Research 33 (6), 2040-2062.

Are livestock always bad for the planet? Rethinking the protein transition and climate change debate E Houzer, I Scoones, Brighton: PASTRES.

Livestock and climate justice: Challenging mainstream policy narratives, F García-Dory, E Houzer, I Scoones, IDS Bulletin 10, 1968-2021.128

Living in an Era of Emerging Pandemics Contributors: C Zambakari, R Menon, R Sanders, I Scoones, M Nori, GE Kaebnick, Zambakari, Christopher, Steve Des Georges, Matthew Edwards, Giada Mannino.


Climate change and agrarian struggles, SM Borras Jr, I Scoones, A Baviskar, M Edelman, NL Peluso, W Wolford, Journal of Peasant Studies, 49 (1), 1-28

Authoritarian Populism and the Rural World, Ian Scoones, Marc Edelman, Saturnino M. Borras Jr., Lyda Fernanda Forero, Ruth Hall, Wendy Wolford and Ben White (eds.). Critical Agrarian Studies Series. London: Routledge.

Sussistenza sostenibile e sviluppo rurale I Scoones, Torino: Rosenberg & Sellier

Agricultural commercialisation and changing labour regimes in Zimbabwe , T Shonhe, I Scoones, F Murimbarimba, Journal of Contemporary African Studies, 1-19
David Attenborough’s A Life on our Planet: Reflections on Pastoralism, Development and Climate Change, S Krätli, G Schlee, D Chatty, C Toulmin, I Scoones, B Hubert, F Provenza, Nomadic Peoples 25 (1), 103-128.
Beyond the ‘Balance of Nature’: Pastoralists’ Alternative Perspectives on Sustainability, I Scoones, Nomadic Peoples, 25 (1).
Rethinking disease preparedness: incertitude and the politics of knowledge, M Leach, H MacGregor, S Ripoll, I Scoones, A Wilkinson, Critical Public Health, 32 (1), 82-96
The Political Economy of Land Use and Land Cover Change in Mvurwi Area Zimbabwe, 1984–2018, C Maguranyanga, K Marozva, I Scoones, T Shonhe, APRA Working Paper, Future Agricultures Consortium, Brighton.
Post-pandemic transformations: How and why COVID-19 requires us to rethink development, M Leach, H MacGregor, I Scoones, A Wilkinson, World Development 138, 105233
Pastoralists and peasants: perspectives on agrarian change, I Scoones,  Journal of Peasant Studies 48 (1), 1-47


COVID-19 and the Futility of Control in the Modern World, A Stirling, I Scoones, Issues in Science and Technology, Summer 2020, 25-27

Agricultural Commercialisation in Northern Zimbabwe: Crises, Conjunctures and Contingencies, 1890-2020, I Scoones, T Shonhe, T Chitapi, C Maguranyanga, S Mutimbanyoka, APRA Working Paper, Future Agricultures Consortium

Pastoralism and Development: Fifty Years of Dynamic Change, I Scoones (ed.), IDS Bulletin 51 (1A)

Beyond Technical Fixes: climate solutions and the great derangement, AJ Nightingale, S Eriksen, M Taylor, T Forsyth, M Pelling, A Newsham, et al., Climate and Development 12 (4), 343-352

‘Demonstration fields’, anticipation, and contestation: agrarian change and the political economy of development corridors in Eastern Africa, N Chome, E Gonçalves, I Scoones, E Sulle, Journal of Eastern African Studies 14 (2), 291-309

On The Move: A Bibliography on Pastoralism Research, Institute of Development Studies, Sussex: 1970-2020, I Scoones with L Pappagallo, Institute of Development Studies

Transformations to sustainability: combining structural, systemic and enabling approaches, I Scoones, A Stirling, D Abrol, J Atela, L Charli-Joseph, H Eakin, A Ely, et al., Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 42, 65-75

The Politics of Land, Resources and Investment in Eastern Africa’s Pastoral Drylands, J Lind, D Okenwa, I Scoones (eds.), James Currey (opening chapter, open access)

The Politics of Uncertainty: Challenges of Transformation, I Scoones and A Stirling (eds.), Routledge.

Surviving COVID-19: fragility, resilience and inequality in Zimbabwe, I Scoones, African Arguments

Science, uncertainty and the COVID-19 response, I Scoones, STEPS Centre

Living with Coronavirus uncertainties: four lessons from pastoralists, I Scoones and M. Nori, PASTRES


Young people and land in Zimbabwe: livelihood challenges after land reform, Ian Scoones, Blasio Mavedzenge & Felix Murimbarimba, Review of African Political Economy, 46:159, 117-134. Also open access version.

Labour after land reform: The Precarious Livelihoods of Former Farmworkers in Zimbabwe, Scoones, I., Mavedzenge, B. and Murimbarimba, F. Development and Change. 50 (3), 805-835

Narratives of scarcity: framing the global land rush, Scoones, I. Smalley, R., Hall, R., and Tsikata, D, Geoforum, 101, 231-241

Irrigating Zimbabwe after land reform: the role of farmer-led systems. Scoones, I. Murimbarimba, F. and Mahenehene, J., Water Alternatives, 12 (1), 88-106 .

What is uncertainty and why does it matter?, Scoones, I., STEPS Working Paper, 105.

Pastoralism, Uncertainty and Resilience: Global Lessons from the Margins, M Nori, I Scoones, Pastoralism 9 (1), 10

The Pathway toward a Net-Zero-Emissions Future, R Pancost, J Rogelj, I Scoones, JD Haigh, L Whitmarsh, S Fankhauser, Cell One Earth, 1(1): 18-20

Beyond Technical Fixes: climate solutions and the great derangement AJ Nightingale, S Eriksen, M Taylor, et al. Climate and Development, 1-10.


Land Reform in Zimbabwe: Challenges for Policy. Ian Scoones. CreateSpace Publishing.

Medium-scale farms in Africa: the experience of the ‘Native Purchase Areas’ in Zimbabwe, Scoones, I., Mavedzenge, B. and Murimbarimba, F., Africa. 88 (3), 597-619

Emancipatory rural politics: confronting authoritarian populism, Scoones, I., Borras, J., Edelman, M., Hall, R., White, B. and Wolford, W. Journal of Peasant Studies, 45(1), 1-20.

Land grabbing, Companion to Environmental Studies 214 (218), 214-218

Pathways To Health And Sustainability (STEPS Centre Free Book). I Scoones (ed.). Routledge.

Transformations to Sustainability, Scoones, I., Stirling, A., Abrol, D., Atela, J., Charli-Joseph, L., Eakin, H., Ely, A., Olsson, P., Pereira, L., Priya, R., van Zwanenberg, P. and Yang, L STEPS Working Paper 104, Brighton: STEPS Centre.

Review of The End of Desertification? Disputing Environmental Change in the Drylands by Roy H. Behnke and Michael Mortimore, I Scoones, Pastoralism 8 (1), 26


Hall, R., Scoones, I. and Tsikata, D., 2017. Plantations, outgrowers and commercial farming in Africa: agricultural commercialisation and implications for agrarian change. The Journal of Peasant Studies, 44(3), pp.515-537.

Tobacco, contract farming and agrarian change in Zimbabwe, Scoones, I., Mavedzenge, B., Murimbarimba, F. and Sukume, C. Journal of Agrarian Change

Livelihoods, land and political economy: Reflections on research methodology in the work of Sam Moyo. Agarian South

One Health for a changing world: perspectives from Africa, Cunningham, A., Scoones, I. and Wood, J., Phil Trans Royal Society B.

Integrative modelling for One Health: pattern, process and participation, Scoones, I. Jones, K, Lo Iacono, G., Redding, D., Wilkinson, A. and Wood, J. Phil Trans Royal Society B.

Structural drivers of vulnerability to zoonotic disease in Africa. Vupenyu Dzingirai, Sally Bukachi, Melissa Leach, Lindiwe Mangwanya, Ian Scoones, Annie Wilkinson, Phil Trans Royal Society B.

People, patches and parasites: the case of trypanosomiasis in Zimbabwe, Scoones, I., Dzingirai, V., Anderson, N., MacLeod, E., Mangwanya, L., Matawa, F., Murwira, A., Nyakupinda, L., Shereni, W. and Welburn, S.C, Human Ecology, 45, 643-654


The Politics of Sustainability and Development, Annual Review of Environment and Resources, Vol 41, 293-319.: DOI: 10.1146/annurev-environ-110615-090039

A new politics of development cooperation? Chinese and Brazilian engagements in African agriculture. I Scoones, K Amanor, A Favareto, G Qi, World Development 81, 1-1

Strengthening Land Governance: Lessons from implementing the Voluntary Guidelines. 2016 LEGEND State of the Debate Report. LEGEND/ODI: London (with Ruth Hall).

The Political Economy of Sugar in Southern Africa – Introduction, Dubb, A., Scoones, I and Woodhouse, P. Journal of Southern African Studies, online:

Sugar, People and Politics in Zimbabwe’s Lowveld, Scoones, I., Mavedzenge, B. and Murimbarimba, F. Journal of Southern African Studies, online:

The futures of pastoralism in the Horn of Africa: pathways of growth and change. Catley A, Lind J, Scoones I, Rev Sci Tech. 2016 Nov;35(2):389-403. doi: 10.20506/rst.35.2.2524.

Global Narratives: the political economy of One Health, V. Galaz, M. Leach and I Scoones, In: One Health: Science, Politics and Zoonotic Disease in Africa, ed. K. Bardosh. London: Routledge

Contested Histories: Power and politics in trypanosomiasis control, I .Scoones, In: One Health: Science, Politics and Zoonotic Disease in Africa, ed. K. Bardosh. London: Routledge

Zoonotic diseases: who gets sick, and why? Explorations from Africa. V Dzingirai, B Bett, S Bukachi, E Lawson, L Mangwanya, I Scoones, et al. Critical Public Health, 1-14

Chinese engagement in African agriculture is not what it seems: Africa SABI Magazine-Tydskrif 8 (4), 35-35

Indian seeds in Africa: a scoping study of challenges and opportunities. D Glover, A Kumar, D Alemu, H Odame, M Akwara, I Scoones. Working Paper-Future Agricultures Consortium. IDS; Brighton.

Land reform, livelihoods and the politics of agrarian change in Zimbabwe, in: State, Land and Democracy in Southern Africa. Palloti, A. and Tornimbeni, C. (eds.). London: Routledge


Africa’s Land Rush: Rural Livelihoods and Agrarian Change. Edited with Ruth Hall and Dzodzi Tsikata (James Currey/Boydell) Read the first chapter.

Sustainable Livelihoods and Rural Development. Small Books for Big Ideas Series. Critical Agrarian and Peasant Studies. Fernwood/Practical Action Publishing (also being translated into Spanish, French, Portuguese, Chinese, Bahasa, Turkish, Russian, Italian, Thai).

Accelerating Sustainability: Why Political Economy Matters (with Hubert Schmitz). IDS Evidence Report. IDS: Brighton

Space, Markets and Employment in Agricultural Development: Zimbabwe Country Report. Research Report 46.Chrispen Sukume , Blasio Mavedzenge, Felix Murimbarima , Ian Scoones (2015: PLAAS, Cape Town)

Resistance, Acquiescence or Incorporation? An Introduction to Land Grabbing and Political Reactions ‘From Below’ Special Issue edited by M Edelman, R Hall, SM Borras Jr, I Scoones, B White, W Wolford. Journal of Peasant Studies, 42 (3-4)

Land reform, livelihoods and the politics of agrarian change in Zimbabwe, in: State, Land and Democracy in Southern Africa. Palloti, A. and Tornimbeni, C. (eds.), Ashgate (forthcoming, September)

The Politics of Green Transformations. Edited with Melissa Leach and Peter Newell. Routledge: London.

The political economy of One Health research and policySTEPS Centre Working Paper, 81. STEPS Centre: Brighton, with V. Galaz, M. Leach and C. Stein.

Carbon Conflicts and Forest Landscapes in Africa. Edited with Melissa Leach. Routledge: London (forthcoming).

Zimbabwe’s land reform: a new politics of the countryside. Review of African Political Economy. DOI: 10.1080/03056244.2014.968118.

Transforming soils: transdiscipilinary and pathways to sustainabilityCurrent Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 15:20–24.


New directions in agrarian political economy, 40th Anniversary Speical Issue edited with M Fairbairn, J Fox, SR Isakson, M Levien, N Peluso, S Razavi et al. Journal of Peasant Studies 41 (5), 653-666

Narratives of scarcity: understanding the ‘global resource grab’ with R Smalley, R Hall, D Tsikata FAC Working Paper 76. FAC: Brighton.

The Politics of Trypanosomiasis Control in AfricaSTEPS Working Paper 57. STEPS: Brighton

Debating Zimbabwe’s Land Reform. Create Space Publishing.


Governing global land deals: the role of the state in the rush for land W Wolford, SM Borras, R Hall, I Scoones, B White (eds.). Wiley Blackwell: Oxford

Zoonoses: From Panic to Planning C Holley, K Jones, M Leach, N Marks, I Scoones, S Welburn, J Wood. IDS: Brighton

The politics of evidence: A response to Rulli and D’Odorico I Scoones, R Hall, SMB Jr, B White, W Wolford. Journal of Peasant Studies, 1-2

Carbon forestry in West Africa: The politics of models, measures and verification processes M Leach, I Scoones Global Environmental Change 23 (5), 957-967

Innovation politics post-Rio+ 20: hybrid pathways to sustainability? A Ely, A Smith, A Stirling, M Leach, I Scoones Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 31 (6), 1063-1081

New Development Encounters: China and Brazil in African Agriculture. Edited with Lidia Cabral and Henry Tugendhat. IDS Bulletin, 44(4).

Negotiating  new Relationships: how the Ethiopian state is involving China and Brazil in agriculture and rural development, with Dawit Alemu, IDS Bulletin 44 (4), 91-100.

The politics of evidence: methodologies for understanding the global land rush. JPS Forum on Global Land Grabbing II, Journal of Peasant Studies, 40(3). Edited with Ruth Hall, Saturnino M. Borras Jr, Ben White and Wendy Wolford.

Understanding and managing zoonotic risk in the new livestock industries Marco Liverani, Jeff Waage, Tony Barnett, Dirk U Pfeiffer, Jonathan Rushton, James W Rudge, Michael E Loevinsohn, Ian Scoones, Richard D Smith, Ben S Cooper, Lisa J White, Shan Goh, Peter Horby, Brendan Wren, Ozan Gundogdu, Abigail Woods, Richard J Coker. Environmental Health Perspectives,

The social and political lives of zoonotic disease models: narratives, science and policy, with Melissa Leach. Social Science and Medicine, 88: 10-17

Green Grabbing: A New Appropriation of Nature?  edited with James Fairhead and Melissa Leach. London and New York: Routledge

Governing Global Land Deals: The Role of the State in the Rush for Land. Special Issue, Development and Change, 44(2): 189-210. Wendy Wolford, Saturnino M. Borras Jr., Ruth Hall, Ian Scoones and Ben White (editors) (also forthcoming Blackwell Wiley book)

Pandemic Flu Controversies: What have we learned? Reflections from a workshop to discuss lessons, policy implications and future challenges, with Elbe, S. and Leach, M. STEPS Centre and Centre for Global Health Policy, University of Sussex, Brighton

Zoonoses – From panic to planning. Grace, D., Holley, C., Jones, K., Leach, M., Marks, N., Scoones, I., Welburn, S. and Wood, J. IDS Rapid Response Briefing, 2. Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies

The New Enclosures: Critical Perspectives on Corporate Land Deals, edited with Ben White, Jun Borras, Ruth Hall, and Wendy Wolford. Routledge: London and New York

Pastoral Development in Africa: Dynamic Change at the Margins, edited with Andy Catley and Jeremy Lind. Earthscan/Routledge: London


Livelihoods after land reform in Zimbabwe: Understanding processes of rural differentiation, with N. Marongwe, B. Mavedzenge, J. Mahenehene, F. Murimbarimba and C. Sukume. Journal of Agrarian Change Vol. 12 No. 4, pp. 503–527

The new politics of Zimbabwe’s lowveld: land struggles at the margins (with B. Mavedzenge, J. Chaumba and W. Wolmer). African Affairs (October 2012).

Livelihood change in rural Zimbabwe over 20 years, with Josphat Mushongah. Journal of Development Studies, e publication, 5 July 2012.

Transforming innovation for sustainability (with Leach et al.), Ecology and Society, 17(2): 11.

Green Grabbing: A New Appropriation of Nature? Special Issue, edited with James Fairhead and Melissa Leach. Journal of Peasant Studies, 39, 2: 237-261

The new enclosures: critical perspectives on corporate land deals, with Ben White, Jun Borras, Ruth Hall, and Wendy Wolford. Journal of Peasant Studies, 39, 3-4, 619-647.


Zimbabwe’s land reform: challenging the myths, with N. Marongwe, B. Mavedzenge, J. Mahenehene, F. Murimbarimba and C. Sukume. Journal of Peasant Studies, 38(5): 967-993

The Politics of Seed in Africa’s Green Revolution, edited with John Thompson, IDS Bulletin, 42(4).

Whiteness in Zimbabwe: Race, Landscape and the Problem of Belonging by David McDermott Hughes. Book Review. Journal of Agrarian Change, 11(4): 603-609.

Revolutionizing Development: Reflections on the Work of Robert Chambers, edited with Andrea Cornwall, London: Earthscan

The Politics of Biofuels, Land and Agrarian Change, edited with J. Borras and P McMichael, London: Routledge

Towards a better understanding of global land grabbing: an editorial introduction with J.   Borras, J. Hall, B. White, W. Wolford, Journal of Peasant Studies

The Global Redistribution of Innovation: Lessons from China and India. STEPS Centre: Brighton, and paper presented at DIME conference with A. Ely

Seeing scarcity: understanding soil fertility in Africa,  in L. Mehta (ed.), The Limits to Scarcity, Contesting the Politics of AllocationEarthscan: London


Zimbabwe’s Land Reform: Myths and Realities, with N. Marongwe, B. Mavedzenge, J. Mahenehene, F. Murimbarimba and C. Sukume, Suffolk: James Currey

Avian Influenza: Science, Policy and Politics, London: Earthscan

Dynamic Sustainabilities: Technology, Environment, Social Justice, with M. Leach, and A. Stirling, London: Earthscan

A New Manifesto. Innovation, Sustainability, Development STEPS Centre , with the STEPS team

A New Manifesto for Innovation, Sustainability and Development – Response to Rhodes and Sulston, with A. Ely, M. Leach and A. Stirling, European Journal of Development Research  22, 586–588

The Politics of Biofuels, Land and Agrarian Change, Special Issue, edited with Phil McMichael and Jun Borras. Journal of Peasant Studies (also Routledge book)..

Contested paradigms of ‘viability’ in redistributive land reform: perspectives from southern Africa, with B. Cousins, Journal of Peasant Studies, 37:1

Foot-and-Mouth Disease and Market Access: Challenges for the Beef Industry in Southern AfricaPastoralism 1 (2): 135-164. Plus commentaries, and response. (with A. Bishi, N. Mapitse, R. Moerane, M.-L. Penrith,  R. Sibanda, G. Thomson and W. Wolmer)

Governing epidemics in an age of complexity: Narratives, politics and pathways to sustainability, with M. Leach and A. Stirling, Global Environmental Change

Fighting the flu’: Risk, uncertainty and surveillance, in Epidemics, (S. Dry, M. Leach, eds.) Earthscan: London


Farmer First Revisited: Innovation for Agricultural Research and Development, with J. Thompson, Oxford: ITDG Publishing

Addressing the Dynamics of Agri-Food Systems: An Emerging Agenda for Social Science Research, with J. Thompson, Environmental Science and Policy 12:386-397, Elsevier

The politics of global assessments: the case of the International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD)Journal of Peasant Studies, 36(3): 545-565

Livelihoods perspectives and rural developmentJournal of Peasant Studies, 36: 171-196

Africa’s biotechnology battle, with D. Glover, Nature, August 13

From Risk Assessment to Knowledge Mapping: Science, Precaution, and Participation in Disease Ecology,  With A Stirling, Ecology and Society, 14(2)

New Directions for African Agriculture, with L. Haddad, IDS Policy Briefing 24, IDS: Brighton

Global Engagements with Global Assessments: The Case of the International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD)IDS Research Summary of IDS Working Paper 313, IDS: Brighton.

Contested paradigms of ‘viability’ in redistributive land reform: perspectives from southern Africa, with B. Cousins, PLAAS Working Paper 15

Health dynamics, innovation and the slow race to make technology work for the poor, with M. Leach, Global Forum for Health, Update, 5

One World, One Health – From principles to action, STEPS Centre: Brighton

GM Crops ten years on: hope, hype and reality, Background paper. STEPS Centre: Brighton

Pastoral Innovation Systems. Experiences from Ethiopia and Kenya, with A. Adwera, Future Agricultures Consortium: Brighton

Land Tenure Dilemmas: Next Steps for Zimbabwe, An informal briefing note


Mobilising against GM crops in India, South Africa and BrazilJournal of Agrarian Change, 8:2-3: 315-344

The Dynamics of Real Markets: Cattle in Southern Zimbabwe following Land Reform, with B.Z. Mavedzenge, J. Mahenehene, F. Murimbarimba, and W. Wolmer, Development and Change 39.4:613-39, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing

The International Response to Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza: Science, Policy and PoliticsSTEPS Working Paper 10, STEPS Centre: Brighton

One World, One Health? Learning from the International Response to Avian InfluenzaSTEPS Briefing 10, STEPS Centre: Brighton

Foot-and-mouth disease and market access: challenges for the beef industry in southern AfricaTransboundary animal disease and market access: future options for the beef industry in southern Africa, Working Paper 1, with W. Wolmer, STEPS Centre: Brighton

Global Engagements with Global Assessments: The Case of the International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD)IDS Working Paper 313, IDS: Brighton

Contested paradigms of ‘viability’ in redistributive land reform: perspectives from southern Africa, with B. Cousins, PLAAS Working Paper

Policy frameworks for increasing soil fertility in Africa: debating the alternatives. Paper for FAC e-debate, [Cadres politiques propices à l’amélioration de la fertilité des sols en Afrique] [and a summary article for IIED’s Hararmata]

Mobilising against GM crops in India, South Africa and Brazil, Transnational Agrarian Movements Confronting Globalization edited by Saturnino M. Borras Jr., Marc Edelman, and Cristóbal Kay, Wiley Blackwell

A new start for Zimbabwe? Challenging the myths about Zimbabwean agriculture and land reform and versions in the magazine ‘Land’ and various newspapers and websites

Is pastoralism a viable livelihood option? Livestock and Development, ID21 Insights, 72, IDS: Brighton

A New Start: Challenging the Myths About Zimbabwean Agriculture and Land Reform


Mobilising Citizens: Social Movements and the Politics of Knowledge, with M. Leach, IDS Working Paper 276, IDS: Brighton

Pathways to Sustainability: An Overview of the STEPS Centre Approach, with M. Leach and A. Stirling, STEPS Centre: Brighton

Dynamic Systems and the Challenge of Sustainability, with M. Leach, A. Smith, S. Stagl, A Stirling and J. Thompson, STEPS Working Paper 1, STEPS Centre: Brighton

Understanding Governance: Pathways to Sustainability , with M. Leach, G. Bloom, A. Ely, P. Nightingale, E. Shah and A. Smith, Brighton, STEPS Working Paper 2,  STEPS Centre: Brighton

Empowering Designs: Steps Towards More Progressive Social Appraisal of Sustainability, with A. Stirling, M. Leach, L. Mehta, A. Smith, S. Stagl and J. Thompson, STEPS Working Paper 3, STEPS Centre: Brighton

Agri-Food System Dynamics: pathways to sustainability in an era of uncertainty, with J. Thompson, E. Millstone, A. Ely, F. Marshall, E. Shah and S. Stagl, STEPS Working Paper 4, STEPS Centre: Brighton

International Policy Processes and Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza. A Scoping Study, with P. Forster, STEPS Centre: Brighton and PPLPI, FAO

SustainabilityDevelopment in Practice, 17:589-596

The contested politics of biotechnology: biotech in BangaloreScience and Public Policy, 34 (261-271)

Comment on Stone, G. Beyond Agricultural Deskilling and the Spread of Genetically Modified Cotton in Warangal. Current Anthropology 48: 93-4

Biotechnology in Bangalore: the politics of innovation. Towards Pro Poor InnovationID21 Insights, 68, IDS: Brighton

Methodologies for evaluating redistributive land reform. Paper (with B. Cousins) for Livelihoods after Land Reform workshop, PLAAS: UWC: Cape Town

Land, landscapes and disease: the case of foot and mouth disease in southern Zimbabwe, with William Wolmer, South African Journal of History 58: 42-64

The Future of Pastoralism in Ethiopia. PCI/UNOCHA: Addis

The crisis of development, paper response from Steven Devereaux and Ian Scoones

Making science and technology work for the poor, editorial viewpointWorld Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, 4:2//3


Science, Agriculture and Policy Processes. The case of Biotechnology in India, Orient-Longman: Hyderabad/Delhi

Understanding Policy Processes: A Review of IDS Research on the Environment , KNOTS TEAM, IDS

Opportunistic and conservative pastoral strategies: some economic arguments, with S. Sandford, Ecological Economics 58.1:1-16

Livestock, Disease, Trade and Markets: Policy Choices for the Livestock Sector in Africa, with W. Wolmer, IDS Research Summary 269, IDS: Brighton

Changes in the Livestock Sector in Zimbabwe Following Land Reform: The case of Masvingo province. Research Report , with B.Z. Mavedzenge, J. Mahenehene, F. Murimbarimba and W. Wolmer, IDS: Brighton

Science and Citizens: Global and Local Voices, with M. Leach, IDS Policy Briefing 30, IDS: Brighton

Science, Agriculture and the Politics of Policy: The Case of Biotechnology in India, Delhi: Orient Longman

Livestock, Disease, Trade and Markets: Policy Choices for the Livestock Sector in Africa, with W. Wolmer, IDS Working Paper 269, IDS: Brighton

The Slow Race: Making Technology Work for the Poor, with M. Leach, London, Demos

Science and Citizens: Global and local voiceIDS Policy Briefing, 30, IDS: Brighton

Narratives for agricultural policy in Africa: what role for Ministries of Agriculture? With L Cabral, Future Agricultures Consortium: Brighton

Contentious Politics, Contentious Knowledges: Mobilising Against GM Crops in India, Brazil and South Africa’. IDS Working Paper, 256, IDS: Brighton

Livestock, Disease, Trade and Markets: Policy Choices for. the Livestock Sector in Africa, with W. Wolmer, IDS Working Paper 269, IDS: Brighton

Can GM crops prevent famine in Africa? In New Famines, Devereux, S. et al (eds.) Routledge: London

Changes in the Livestock Sector in Zimbabwe following Land Reform, with B.Z. Mavedzenge, J. Mahenehene, F. Murimbarimba and W. Wolmer, IDS: Brighton

Changing Animal Health Policy, with W. Wolmer, ILEIA, 21.4:22-24


Science and Citizens: Globalization and the Challenge of Engagement, with M. Leach, and B. Wynne, London And New York: Zed Press

Changing Animal Health Policies, with W. Wolmer, LEISA Magazine 21.4:22-24

New Directions for African Agriculture, with A. deGrassi, S. Devereux and L. Haddad, IDS Bulletin 36.2, IDS: Brighton

Policy Processes for Veterinary Services in Africa: A Guide For Training, with W. Wolmer, IDS: Brighton

Contentious Politics, Contentious Knowledges: Mobilising Against GM Crops in India, South Africa and BrazilIDS Working Paper 256, IDS: Brighton

Governing technology development: challenges for agricultural research in AfricaIDS Bulletin, 36.2: 109-114, IDS: Brighton

New Directions for African AgricultureIDS Policy Briefing 24, IDS: Brighton

Local knowledge and the social shaping of soil investments: critical perspectives on the assessment of soil degradation in AfricaLand Use Policy (with James Fairhead)

Opportunistic and conservative pastoral strategies: some economic arguments, with S. Sandford, Ecological Economics 58.1: 1-6

Policy Processes in the Livestock Sector: Experiences from the African Union, AU-IBAR, with W. Wolmer, Nairobi

Policy Processes for Veterinary Services in Africa: a workshop report and training guide, with W. Wolmer, AU-IBAR: Nairobi


Understanding policy processes in Ethiopia: a response with J. Keeley, Journal of Modern African Studies, 42: 149-153

Wildlife Management and Land Reform in Southeastern Zimbabwe: A compatible pairing or a contradiction in terms?, with W. Wolmer and L. Chaumba, Geoforum 35.1:87-98

The Rise of Rights: Rights-based Approaches to International Development, with R. Chambers, J. Gaventa, N. Kabeer, L. Morago, a. Norton, C. Nyamu, R. Singh and A. Shankland, IDS Policy Briefing 17, IDS: Brighton

Climate change and the challenge of non-equilibrium thinkingIDS Bulletin, 35.3, IDS: Brighton

Debating GM crops (editorial), ID21 Insights 52, IDS: Brighton

Policy Processes for Veterinary Services in Africa, with W. Wolmer, Workshop Report September 2004, Mombasa

Wild Foods in Agricultural Systems, in Elevitch C.R.,The Overstory book: c ultivating connections with trees, PAR:USA


Negotiating Environmental Change with F. Berkhout and M. Leach, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing

Understanding Environmental Policy Processes: Cases from Africa with J. Keeley, London: Earthscan

From jambanja to planning: the reassertion of technocracy in land reform in south-eastern Zimbabwe? with J. Chaumba and W. Wolmer, The Journal of Modern African Studies 41.4: 533-554

New politics, new livelihoods: Changes in the Zimbabwean lowveld since the farm invasions of 2000, with J. Chaumba and W. Wolmer, Review of African Political Economy, 98: 585-608

Networks of knowledge: how farmers and scientists understand soils and their fertility. A case study from Ethiopia with D. Dea, Oxford Development Studies, 31: 461-478

Participatory processes for policy change, edited with John Thompson, PLA Notes Special Issue 43

Wildlife Management and Land Reform in Southeastern Zimbabwe: A Compatible Pairing or a Contradiction in Terms? with W. Wolmer and J. Chaumba, IDS Bulletin 34.3, IDS: Brighton

Livelihoods in crisis: new perspectives on governance and rural development in southern Africa, (ed. with William Wolmer), IDS Bulletin 34,3, IDS: Brighton

Livelihoods in Crisis? New Perspectives on Governance and Rural Development in Southern Africa with W. Wolmer, IDS Bulletin 34.3, IDS: Brighton

Tracing Policy Connections: The Politics of Knowledge in the Green Revolution and Biotechnology Eras in India with S. Seshia, IDS Working Paper 188, IDS: Brighton

Seeds in a Globalised World: Agricultural Biotechnology in Zimbabwe with J. Keeley, IDS Working Paper 189, IDS: Brighton

Contexts for Regulation: GMOs in Zimbabwe with J. Keeley,  IDS Working Paper 190, IDS: Brighton

Making Policy in the ‘New Economy’: The Case of Biotechnology in Karnataka, IndiaIDS Working Paper 196, IDS: Brighton

Regulatory Manoeuvre: The BT Cotton Controversy in IndiaBiotechnology Policy Series 14and IDS Working Paper 197, IDS: Brighton

Science and Citizenship in a Global Context with M. Leach,  IDS Working Paper 205, IDS: Brighton

Can agricultural biotechnology be pro-poor?Democratising Biotechnology: Genetically Modified Crops in Developing Countries Briefing Series , IDS: Brighton

Science, policy and biotechnology regulationDemocratising Biotechnology: Genetically Modified Crops in Developing Countries Briefing Series , IDS: Brighton

The Rural Poor, the Private Sector and Markets: Changing Interactions in Southern Africa with L. Mehta and C. Ashley, SLSA Overview paper , IDS: Brighton

Rights Talk and Rights Practice: Challenges for Southern Africa with L. Mehta and C. Ashley, SLSA Overview Paper , IDS: Brighton

Decentralisations in Practice in Southern Africa with L. Mehta and C. Ashley, SLSA Overview Paper , IDS: Brighton

Wildlife Management and Land Reform in Southeastern Zimbabwe: A Compatible Pairing or a Contradiction in Terms?SLSA Research Paper 1, with W. Wolmer and J. Chaumba, IDS: Brighton

From Jambanja to Planning: The Reassertion of Technocracy in Land Reform in Southeastern Zimbabwe with J. Chaumba and W. Wolmer, SLSA Research Paper 2, IDS: Brighton

New Politics, New Livelihoods: Changes in the Zimbabwean Lowveld Since the Farm Occupations of 2000 with J. Chaumba and W. Wolmer, SLSA Research Paper 3, IDS: Brighton

Can agricultural biotechnology be pro-poorDemocratising Biotechnology: Genetically Modified Crops in Developing Countries Briefing Series, Briefing 2, IDS: Brighton

Science, policy and biotechnology regulationDemocratising Biotechnology: Genetically Modified Crops in Developing Countries Briefing Series, Briefing 8, IDS: Brighton

Seeds in a Globalised World: Agricultural Biotechnology in Zimbabwe with J. Keeley, Biotechnology Policy Series 8, IDS: Brighton

Contexts for Regulations: GMOs in Zimbabwe with J. Keeley, Biotechnology Policy Series 9. IDS: Brighton

Making policy in the ‘New Economy’: the case of Karnataka’s biotechnology policy. Biotechnology Policy Series 13, IDS: Brighton

Tracing policy connections: the politics of knowledge in the Green Revolution and biotechnology eras in India with S. Seshia, Biotechnology Policy Series 21. IDS: Brighton

Democratising biotechnology: Genetically modified crops in developing countries, Briefings 1-13 (with others) . IDS: Brighton


Pathways of Change. Crops, Livestock and Livelihoods in Africa. Lessons from Ethiopia, Mali and Zimbabwe, edited with William Wolmer, London: James Currey/Heinemann

Biotech Science, Biotech Business: Current Challenges and Future Prospects in IndiaEconomic and Political Weekly [India] 37.27:2725-–33

Can agricultural biotechnology be pro-poor? A sceptical look at the emerging consensus, IDS Bulletin 33.4:114–119, IDS: Brighton

Citizenship, science and risk: conceptualising relationships across issues and settings with M. Leach and J. Thompson, IDS Bulletin 33.2:40-48, IDS: Brighton

Agricultural Biotechnology and Food Security: Exploring the DebateIDS Working Paper 145, IDS: Brighton

Science, Policy and Regulation: Challenges for Agricultural Biotechnology in Developing CountriesIDS Working Paper 147, IDS: Brighton

Pathways of change: crop-livestock integration in Africa, with W. Wolmer, Pathways of Change. Crops, Livestock and Livelihoods in Africa. Lessons from Ethiopia, Mali and Zimbabwe, London: James Currey/Heineman

Crop-livestock integration in Africa: what is to be done?  with J. Ramisch, J. Keeley and W. Wolmer, Pathways of Change. Crops, Livestock and Livelihoods in Africa. Lessons from Ethiopia, Mali and Zimbabwe, London: James Currey/Heineman


Dynamics and Diversity: Soil Fertility Management and Farming Livelihoods in Africa, (ed.). Earthscan, London

Editorial: Environmental Governance in an Uncertain WorldIDS Bulletin 32.4, IDS: Brighton

Environmental Governance in an Uncertain World’IDS Bulletin 32.4, IDS: Brighton

Transforming soils: the dynamics of soil fertility management in AfricaDynamics and Diversity: Soil Fertility Management and Farming Livelihoods in Africa. (ed.). Earthscan, London

Participatory approaches to integrated soil fertility managementDynamics and Diversity: Soil Fertility Management and Farming Livelihoods in Africa, (ed.). Earthscan, London

Ways forward? Technical choices, intervention strategies and policy optionsDynamics and Diversity: Soil Fertility Management and Farming Livelihoods in Africa. (ed.). Earthscan, London

Crop-livestock integration: The dynamics of intensification in contrasting agroecological zones (with Wolmer, W.), Sustaining Livestock in Challenging Dry Season Environments: Strategies for Smallscale Livestock Farmers. NR International, Chatham


Knowledge, power and politics: the environmental policy-making process in Ethiopia with James Keeley, Journal of Modern African Studies, 38: 89-120

Asking the right questions: social science and the environment with Frans Berkhout. Science and Public Affairs, February 2000: 6

The science of ‘civilized’ agriculture: the mixed farming discourse in Zimbabwe, with W.  Wolmer, African Affairs.

Participatory Environmental Policy Processes: Experiences from North and SouthIDS Working Paper 113, IDS: Brighton

Global Science, Global Policy: Local to Global Policy Processes for Soils Management in AfricaIDS Working Paper 115, IDS: Brighton

Environmental Policymaking in Zimbabwe: Discourses, Science and PoliticsIDS Working Paper 116, IDS: Brighton

Land Theme PaperSLSA Working Paper

Drought contingency planning and livestock in southern Zimbabwe. Case studies from Chivi and Chiredzi district, with B. Mavedzenge et al, in Livestock and Drought Contingency Planning in Africa, J.  Morton (ed.), NRI: Chatham

Soft Disasters. Environmental Decision-Making under Uncertainty. Programme Summary, 1. ESRC GEC Programme, Sussex

Governing the Global Environment. Programme Summary, 2. ESRC GEC Programme, Sussex


New ecology and the social sciences: what prospects for a fruitful engagement? Annual Review of Anthropology, 28: 479-507

Creating grasslands: social institutions and environmental change in Mkambati area, South Africa, with T. Kepe, Human Ecology, 27: 29-53

Perspectives on soil fertility change: a case study from southern Ethiopia, with Eyasu Elias, Land Degradation and Development, 10: 195-206

Environmental entitlements: dynamics and institutions in community-based natural resource management, with M. Leach and R. Mearns, World Development, 27: 225-247

Knowing how to change: environmental policy learning and transfer (with Frans Berkhout). ID21 Insights, 30: 1-2, IDS: Brighton

Understanding Environmental Policy Processes: A Review, with J. Keeley,  IDS Working Paper 89, IDS: Brighton

Exploring Understandings of Institutions and Uncertainty: New Directions in Natural Resource Management, with L. Mehta, M. Leach, P. Newell, K Sivaramakrishnan and S A. Way,  IDS Discussion Paper 372, IDS: Brighton

The politics of GM food. Risk, science and public trust. Special Briefing 5. ESRC GEC Programme, Sussex

Policies for Soil Management in Africa, with C. Toulmin, DFID, London

Soil fertility management and sustainable livelihoods: new approaches to the policy process. Part 1: Country Reports. Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, with James Keeley, Soil Fertility Management and Sustainable Livelihoods, P. Brinn et al, NRI, Chatham

Ecological dynamics and grazing resource tenure, in Managing Mobility in African Rangelands – The Legitimization of Transhumance, Niamir-Fuller, M. (ed.), Earthscan Publications: London


Valuing the ‘hidden harvest’: methodological approaches for local level economic analysis of wild resources, with I. Guijt, et al, IIED: London

Soil nutrient balances: what use for policy? with C. Toulmin, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 71: 255-269

Sustainable Rural Livelihoods: A Framework for AnalysisIDS Working Paper 72, IDS: Brighton

Knowledge, power and grazing management: new challenges for research and extension systemsIn Proceedings XVIII International Grasslands Congress, Saskatoon


Sustaining the soil: soil and water conservation  in Africa, with Reij, C. and Toulmin, C., (eds.)

Sustaining the Soil: Indigenous Soil and Water Conservation in Africa, French edition, Karthala: Paris

Landscapes, fields and soils: understanding the history of soil fertility management in southern ZimbabweJournal of Southern African Studies, 23: 615-634

Gender and farming systems research: some reflections from research in ZimbabweJournal of International Development, 8: 717-720

The dynamics of soil fertility change: historical perspectives on environmental transformation from Zimbabwe, Geographical Journal, 163: 161-169

Local-level valuation of savanna resources: a case study from Zimbabwe (with Campbell, B. and Luckert, M.) Economic Botany, 51:1

Replicating islands of success. Appropriate Technology, 24(3): 5-9

Community Based Sustainable Development: Consensus or Conflict?, with M. Leach and R. Mearns, IDS Bulletin 28.4, IDS: Brighton

Environmental Entitlements: A Framework for Understanding the Institutional Dynamics of Environmental Change, with M. Leach and R. Mearns, IDS Discussion Paper 359, IDS: Brighton

Investigating soil fertility in Africa: some reflections from research in Ethiopia and Zimbabwe, in L. Bergstrom and H. Kirchmann (eds.), Nutrient Dynamics in Natural and Agricultural Tropical Ecosystems, , CABI, Wallingford

Participatory approaches to soil fertility management: some experiences from Africa, in P. Gregory, C. Pilbeam, and S. Walker (eds.), Integrated Nutrient Management on Farmers’ Fields: Approaches that Work, Department of Soil Science, University of Reading

Tools for understanding non-timber tree product markets: applications of rapid appraisal techniques, in S. Vosti, et all (eds),  Non-Timber Tree Markets: Policy Issues, IFPRI: Washington


Sustaining the Soil: Indigenous Soil and Water Conservation in Africa with C. Reij and C. Toulmin, Earthscan Publications: London

Hazards and Opportunities: Farming Livelihoods in Dryland Africa: Lessons From Zimbabwe, Zed Books, London

Living with Uncertainty , London: Practical Action Publishing

Food security in Chivi district: a report on the IT-Zimbabwe food security project (with Hakutangwi, M.). ITDG: Harare

PRA and anthropology: challenges and dilemmasPLA Notes 24. IIED, London.

Crop production in variable environments: a case study from southern ZimbabweExperimental Agriculture, 32: 291-303

A model of household decisions in dryland agropastoral systems, with E.J. Milner-Gulland  and R. Mace, Agricultural Systems, 51: 407-430

New challenges for range management in the 21st century, Outlook on Agriculture, 25: 253-256

Politics, polemics and pastures: range management science and policy in southern Africa, in M. Leach and R. Mearns (eds.), The Lie of the Land: Challenging Received Wisdom in African Environmental Change and Policy, James Currey: London

Integrating social sciences into rangeland management. Keynote paper, Rangelands in a Sustainable Biosphere. Proceedings of the Vth International Rangelands Congress, in N. West (ed), Society of Rangeland Management: Denver


A Trainers Guide to Participatory Learning and Action, with J. Thompson and I. Guijt, IIED: London

Living With Uncertainty: New Directions in Pastoral Development in Africa, London: Intermediate Technology Publications: London

Dimensions of difference: wealth ranking with small-holder farmers in ZimbabweDevelopment and Change, 26: 67-88

Coping with risk and uncertainty, with B. Mombeshora et al). ILEIA, 11: 10-11

Socio-economic dimensions of nutrient cycling in agropastoral systems in dryland Africa, with C. Toulmin, in J.M. Powell et al (eds), Livestock and Sustainable Nutrient Cycling in Mixed Farming Systems of Sub-Saharan Africa, Volume II, Technical Papers, ILCA, Addis Ababa

Land use and environment policy in the rangelands of South Africa: Case studies from the Free State and Northern Province, with L. Dikeni and R. Moorehead, LAPC Policy Paper 38, LAPC, Johannesburg

Living with Uncertainty: New Directions for Pastoral Development in Africa, French edition, Karthala: Paris

Exploiting heterogeneity: habitat use by cattle in dryland ZimbabweJournal of Arid Environments, 29: 221-227

Contrasting savanna dynamics: implications for livestock populations in Zimbabwe’s dryland areas, in F. Gantry adn B. Campbell (eds), in Sustainable Land Management in Africa Semi-arid and Sub-humid Regions, SCOPE/UNEP/CIRAD, Montpellier

The Hidden Harvest: The Value of Wild Resources in Agricultural Systems, Sustainable Agriculture Programme, IIED: London

Participatory Learning and Action: A Trainers’ Guide, with Pretty, J., Guijt, I. and Thompson, J., Sustainable Agriculture Programme, IIED: London


Beyond Farmer First: Rural People’s Knowledge, Agricultural Research and Extension Practice, with J. Thompson, IIED: London

Beyond Farmer First: Rural Peoples’ Knowledge, Agricultural Research and Extension Practice with John Thompson, French edition: GRET/CTA

Challenging the populist perspective: Rural people’s knowledge, agricultural research and extension practice, with J. Thompson, Agriculture and Human Values, 11(2/3). 58-76

Issues and Options for Institutional Change for Rural Development, Agriculture and Land Reform, with B. Cousins, et al, Policy Paper 9, LAPC, Johannesburg

New directions for pastoral development in Africa, with O. Graham, Development in Practice, 4: 188-198

Is carrying capacity a useful concept to apply to human populations?, with B. Zaba, in Population and the Environment, BSPS/IUSSP, Oxford University Press: Oxford

Knowledge, power and agriculture: towards a theoretical understanding, with J. Thompson, in Beyond Farmer First: Rural People’s Knowledge, Agricultural Research and Extension Practice, Intermediate Technology Publications: London

Economic and ecological carrying capacity: applications to pastoral systems in Zimbabwe, Economics and Ecology: New Frontiers and Sustainable Development, E. Barbier (ed), Chapman and Hall: London

Beer and Baskets: the economics of women’s livelihoods in Ngamiland, Botswana, with Bishop, J., IIED: London

Local level valuation of savanna resources: a case study from Zimbabwe, University of Zimbabwe, Harare

Strategies for the Sustainable Use of Fadama Lands in Northern Nigeria (ed. with Kolawole, A., M. Awogbade, J. Voh). CSER, Zaria, Nigeria

The struggle for control over dambo resources in Zimbabwe, with B. Cousins, Society and Natural Resources, 7: 579-594

Fadama, land use and sustainability in northern Nigeria: an overview, with A. Kolawole, in A. Kolawole et al (eds), Strategies for the Sustainable Use of Fadama Lands in Northern Nigeria, CSER, Zaria, Nigeria

Institutionalising adaptive planning and local level concerns: look to the future, with J. Pretty, in S. Wright and N.  Nelson (eds.), Power and Participatory Development: Theory and Practice, Intermediate Technology Publications: London


Range Ecology at Disequilibrium: New Models of Natural Variability and Pastoral Adaptation in African Savannas, with R.H. Behnke Jnr, and C. Kerven, ODI: London

Challenging the Populist Perspective: Rural People’s Knowledge, Agricultural Research and Extension PracticeIDS Discussion Paper 332, IDS: Brighton

Exploring diversity and difference in food systems under stress, with A. Cornwall, in J. Pottier (ed), Food Systems Under Stress, SOAS, London

Rethinking range ecology: implications for rangeland management in Africa, (with Behnke, R., Range Ecology at Disequilibrium. New Models of Natural Variability and Pastoral Adaptation in African Savannas, Overseas Development Institute: London

Why are there so many animals? Cattle population dynamics in the communal areas of Zimbabwe, Range Ecology at Disequilibrium. New Models of Natural Variability and Pastoral Adaptation in African Savannas, Overseas Development Institute: London

Barabaig natural resource management: implications for sustainable savanna land use in pastoral areas of Africa, with C. Lane, The World’s Savannas: Economic Driving Forces, Ecological Constraints and Policy Options for Sustainable Land Use, MAB Series, Parthenon Press

Land tenure in Africa’s communal rangelands: issues for Savanna development, with C. Toulmin and C. Lane, The World’s Savannas: Economic Driving Forces, Ecological Constraints and Policy Options for Sustainable Land Use, MAB Series, Parthenon Press

Woodland management in Zimbabwe: tenure and institutions for sustainable natural resource use, with F. Matose, in Living with Trees: A Future for Social Forestry in Zimbabwe, World Bank: Washington

Future directions for forestry extension in Zimbabwe, in Living with Trees: A Future for Social Forestry in Zimbabwe, World Bank: Washington

Wetlands in drylands: the case of dambos in southern Africa, Dambos in Southern Africa, ARPT: Lusaka


The Hidden Harvest: Wild Foods in Agricultural Systemswith M. Melnyk and J. Pretty, IIED: London

Regenerating agriculture: the agroecology of low-external input and community based development, with J. Pretty, I. Guijt and J. Thompson, Policies for a Small Planet, in J. Holmberg (ed),. Earthscan: London

The Future of Africa’s Drylands: is local resource management the answer?, with C. Toulmin, and J. Bishop, J., , in J. Holmberg (ed.), Policies for a Small Planet, Earthscan: London

Rethinking range ecology: implications for rangeland management in Africa, Environment Working Paper, 53, World Bank, Washington

Rethinking range ecology: implications for rangeland management in AfricaIIED Drylands Issues paper 33 (in English and French)

The economic value of livestock in the communal areas of southern ZimbabweAgricultural Systems, 39, 339-359

Land degradation and livestock production in Zimbabwe’s communal areasLand Degradation and Rehabilitation, 3, 99-113

Coping with drought: responses of herders and livestock in contrasting savanna environments in southern ZimbabweHuman Ecology, 20, 31-52

Rapid Rural Appraisal for Agroforestry, Zimbabwe, with C. Kerven, C. Phiri, and H. Sibanda, Commonwealth Science Council, Technical Paper, 289. CSC: London

Wetlands in drylands: key resources for agricultural and pastoral production in AfricaAmbio, 20, 366-371 (1991). Also published as IIED Drylands Issues Paper, 38 (in English and French)

Proceedings of Joint IIED & Development Administration Group (University of Birmingham), Local Level Adaptive Planning Workshop, London, (ed) RRA Notes 11


Wetlands in Drylands: The Agroecology of Savanna Systems in Africa, Parts 1-3, (ed.), IIED: London

Structural Adjustment and Communal Area Agriculture. Case Studies from Mangwende and Chivi Communal Areas. FSRU: Harare

Farmer Participatory Research in North Omo, Ethiopia, Farm Africa and IIED

Rapid Rural Appraisal for local level planning, Wollo Province, Ethiopiawith I. Guijt, ERCS: Addis Ababa/IIED: London


Livestock populations and the household economy: a case study from southern ZimbabwePhD thesis, University of London

Indigenous and exotic fruit trees: why do people want to grow them?, with D. Gumbo, B.  Mukamuri, B. and Muzondo, Agroforestry for Sustainable Production, in R. Prinsley (ed.), Commonwealth Science Council, London

Key resources for agriculture and grazing: the struggle for control over dambo resources in Zimbabwe, with Ben Cousins), Wetlands in Drylands, IIED: London

RRA for food security: an analysis of Moshaneng village, Kanye, Botswana (ed.). IIED: London

Strengthening natural resource planning capability in Darfur, Sudan, with D. Curtis, Report to the Agricultural Planning Unit, Darfur/ODA, London


Economic and ecological carrying capacity: implications for livestock development in dryland areas of Zimbabwe. Pastoral Development Network Paper 27b, ODI: London

Patch use by cattle in Dryland Zimbabwe: Farmer Knowledge and Ecology Theor, Pastoral Development Network Paper 28b, ODI: London

Households, lineage groups and ecological dynamics: issues for livestock research and development in Zimbabwe’s communal areas, with K. Wilson, People, Land and Livestock. The Socio-economic Determinants of Livestock Production in Zimbabwe’s Communal Areas, in B. Cousins (ed.),  Centre for Applied Social Sciences, UZ, Harare

Rapid Rural Appraisal in Sudan: economic incentives to tree management, ed with J. Pretty, IIED: London, IES: Khartoum

Agroforestry for Shurugwi, Zimbabwe. Report of an appraisal exercise for agroforestry research and extension (with other contributors). Agriculture Programme, CSC, London/Forestry Commission Zimbabwe

Integrating research and extension: experiences from a participatory water development project in southern Zimbabwe, with Z Maseko and K Wilson, ILEIA, 4: 18-19

Investigating technology choices for water resources development in dryland Zimbabwe, Appropriate Technology

Participatory RRA in Wollo: Peasant Association planning for natural resource management. editor with J A McCracken, IIED: London/ERCS:  Addis Ababa


Learning about wealth: a case from ZimbabweRRA Notes, 2. IIED: London

Sustainable Pastoralism in Africa: an annotated bibliography. IIED: London

Socio-economic dimensions of livestock production in the communal lands of Zimbabwe, with C. Jackson, and B. Cousins, Centre for Applied Social Sciences, University of Zimbabwe

A participatory model of agricultural research and extension: the case of vleis, trees and grazing schemes in the dry south of Zimbabwe, with B. Cousins, Zambezia, XVI, 45-65

Community management of indigenous woodland project: Zvishavane and Chivi projects, Zimbabwe. A series of reports (1-9). ENDA-Zimbabwe: Harare


Ecological impact assessment: the case of onshore oil in Britain. Journal of Environmental Management, 27: 11-23

Economic and ecological carrying capacity implications for livestock development in the dryland communal areas of Zimbabwe, paper presented at a seminar at University of Zimbabwe

The problems and opportunities of river bank gardening and vlei use in southern Zimbabwe,  Report of a workshop (ed.). Department of Natural Resources, Zimbabwe


Ecological Impact Assessment: a case study from Poole Harbour, Dorset, MSc thesis, Centre for Environmental Technology, Imperial College, London


The Madagascar Tortoise, Geochelone yniphora: Current status and distribution, with D. Curl, M. Guy and G. Rakotoarisoa, Biological Conservation, 34: 35-54

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