I welcome applications from prospective PhD students on subjects linked to my research interests, currently focused on the themes of pastoralism and uncertainty (see PASTRES project, pastres.org). At IDS all such applications are assessed by a committee, and students are generally supervised jointly.

Most of these theses are available free to download through the British Library, EThOS site here: http://ethos.bl.uk/Home.do, although you have to register. Current and past PhD students are listed below:

Graduated from IDS/University of Sussex:

Frank Matose – Local people and reserved forests in Zimbabwe : what prospects for co-management? (IDRC funded, 2000)

William Wolmer – Lowveld landscapes : conservation, development and the wilderness vision in south-eastern Zimbabwe (ESRC funded, 2001)

Simon Milligan – Searching for symbiosis : pastoralist-farmer relations in North-east Nigeria (ESRC funded, 2002)

Iokine Rodriguez – The transformative role of conflicts beyond conflict management in national parks : a case study of Canaima National Park, Venezuela (Venezualan government funded, 2003)

Gian Paulo Chiari – Land tenure and livelihood security in Tigray, Ethiopia (Self-funded, 2003)

Gilles Kleitz – Ruling by Nature: Biodiversity project implementation, Zimbabwe (French government funded, 2003)

Dominic Glover – The role of the private sector in modern biotechnology and rural development: the case of the Monsanto smallholder programme (ESRC funded, 2007)

Elizabeth Fortin – Arenas of contestation: policy processes and land tenure reform in post-apartheid South Africa (ESRC-funded, 2007)

Sally Brooks – Global science, public goods? Tracing international science policy processes in rice biofortification (ESRC-funded, 2007)

Josphat Mushongah – Rethinking Vulnerability: Livelihood Change in Southern Zimbabwe, 1986-2006 (Self-funded, 2009).

Stephen Greenberg – Seeing through land reform: contesting space and power in Vhembe district, Limpopo, South Africa (ESRC funded, 2010)

Paul Forster – Is H5N1 a modernization risk? A multi-sited study of responses to the threats of avian and human pandemic influenza (ESRC funded, STEPS scholarship, 2011)

Rana Ghose – Regulating GMOs in India: Pragmatism, Politics, Representation, and Risk (IDRC funded, 2011)

Nalan Yuksel – A Green Revolution for Africa? A socio-technical analysis of input-supply schemes for small-holder agriculture in Siaya District, Kenya (self-funded)

Mateo Mier Y Teran – From landscapes to stock markets. The political ecology of soybean farming systems in Mato Grosso, Brazil (Mexican government funded)

Stephen Whitfield – Climate change and agriculture in Kenya (ESRC funded)

Matteo Caravani – Livelihood change in Karamoja, Uganda (Italian government funded)

Lidia Cabral – Brazilian engagement in African agriculture (ESRC project funded)

Andrew Hook – Small-scale mining in Guyana (ESRC funded)

Mathilde Gingembre – Land grabs in Madagascar (ESRC funded)

Alex Tasker – Pastoral innovation in East Africa (ESRC funded)

Syed Abbas – One Health in India (Commonwealth funded)

Gerardo Torres – Wind power and green transformations in Mexico (Mexican government funded)

PASTRES linked researchers, see :PASTRES Team – Pastoralism, Uncertainty and Resilience – PASTRES), supervised with Jeremy Lind

Linda Pappagallo – Absentee herders and class dynamics in southern Tunisia (ESRC funding)

Masresha Taye – Livestock insurance and pastoral livelihoods in southern Ethiopia (supported by ILRI and IDS/PASTRES)

Natasha Maru – Mobility and pastoralism in western India (self-funding, with IDS/PASTRES support for fees)

Palden Tsering – Institutions and hybrid land governance in pastoral areas of Amdo Tibet (PASTRES ERC Advanced Grant funding)

Tahira Shariff Mohamed – Moral economy and pastoral responses to risk and uncertainty in Isiolo, Kenya (PASTRES ERC Advanced Grant funding).

Giulia Simula – Market networks and pastoral livelihoods in Sardinia (PASTRES ERC Advanced Grant funding).

Graduated from other universities:

Thembela Kepe – Local valuation of grasslands, South Africa (PLAAS, University of the Western Cape, South Africa, 2003)

Eyasu Elias – Nutrient cycling and soil fertility management, Ethiopia (UEA, 2001)

Tapiwa Chatikobo – Livestock and land reform in Matabeleland, Zimbabwe (PLAAS/UWC, with Ben Cousins).

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