Below is a listing of all books and journal special issues that I have written or edited. Links to purchase or download are provided if available.

Navigating Uncertainty: Radical Rethinking for a Turbulent World

Navigating Uncertainty: Radical Rethinking for a Turbulent World (Polity Books, 2024)

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Pastoralism, Uncertainty and Development, I Scoones (ed.), Rugby: Practical Action Publishing (2023)

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Learning in a Pandemic: Reflections on COVID-19 in Rural Zimbabwe eBook ...

Learning in a Pandemic: Reflections on Covid-19 in Rural Zimbabwe. IJ Bwerinofa, J Mahenehene, M Manaka, B Mulotshwa, F Murimbarimba, I Scoones. Brighton: IDS.

Selection of blogs (2022), download or buy


Climate Change and Critical Agrarian Studies. I Scoones, SM Borras Jr, A Baviskar, M Edelman, NL Peluso, W Wolford (eds.), London: Taylor & Francis


New Report: Are livestock always bad for the planet? - VSF International

Are livestock always bad for the planet? Rethinking the protein transition and climate change debate E Houzer, I Scoones, Brighton: PASTRES (2022)




The Politics of Uncertainty: Challenges of Transformation, I Scoones and A Stirling (eds.). Routledge (2020)



Authoritarian Populism and the Rural World, Ian Scoones, Marc Edelman, Saturnino M. Borras Jr., Lyda Fernanda Forero, Ruth Hall, Wendy Wolford and Ben White (eds.). Critical Agrarian Studies Series. London: Routledge.



Image result for land reform in zimbabwe

Land Reform in Zimbabwe: Challenges for Policy

Low-cost book of Zimbabweland blogs (2018)


Image result for One Health for a changing world: zoonoses, ecosystems and human well-being’ Phil Trans Royal Soc (B), Special Issue, edited with Andrew Cunningham and James Wood (2017) Open access special issue

One Health for a changing world: zoonoses, ecosystems and human well-being’

Phil Trans Royal Soc (B), Special Issue, edited with Andrew Cunningham and James Wood (2017)

Open access special issue

Land and Agricultural Commercialisation in Africa

Journal of Peasant Studies Forum issue edited with Ruth Hall and Dzodzi Tsikata (2017)

JPS Forum issue

Image result for global land grabbing ian scoones

Global Land Grabbing and Political Reactions from Below

Edited book/special issue, edited with March Edelman, Ruth Hall et al. (2017)


China and Brazil in African Agriculture


World Development, Volume 81, 2016,  Ian Scoones, Kojo Amanor, Arilson Favareto and Qi Gubo (eds.).

Open Access Issue

The Political Economy of Sugar in Southern Africa

Journal of Southern African Studies, Alex Dubb, Ian Scoones and Philip Woodhouse (eds.).

Open Access Issue

Africa’s Land Rush: Rural Livelihoods and Agrarian Change

Edited with Ruth Hall and Dzodzi Tsikata (James Currey/Boydell) (2015)


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Read the first chapter.

Sustainable Livelihoods and Rural Development

Ian Scoones (2015)


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Carbon Conflicts and Forest Landscapes in Africa

Edited with Melissa Leach. Routledge: London (2015)


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The Politics of Green Transformations

Edited with Melissa Leach and Peter Newell. Routledge: London. (2015)


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Resistance, Acquiescence or Incorporation? An Introduction to Land Grabbing and Political Reactions ‘From Below’

Ruth Hall, Marc Edelman, Saturnino M. Borras Jr., Ian Scoones, Ben White & Wendy Wolford (2015)


New directions in agrarian political economy, JPS 40th Anniversary. 

Edited with M Fairbairn, J Fox, SR Isakson, M Levien, N Peluso, S Razavi et al. Routledge: London (2014)


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Debating Zimbabwe’s Land Reform

Ian Scoones (2014)


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Governing Global Land Deals: The Role of the State in the Rush for Land 

Edited by Wendy Wolford, Saturnino M. Borras Jr., Ruth Hall, Ian Scoones, Ben White (2013)


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The New Enclosures: Critical Perspectives on Corporate Land Deals

Edited by Ben White, Saturnino M. Borras Jr., Ruth Hall, Ian Scoones, Wendy Wolford (2013)


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Green Grabbing: A New Appropriation of Nature

Edited with James Fairhead & Melissa Leach



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Pastoralism and Development in Africa: Dynamic Change at the Margins

Edited by Andy Catley, Jeremy Lind: Routledge (2012)


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Revolutionizing Development: Reflections on the Work of Robert Chambers 

edited with Andrea Cornwall, London: Earthscan (2011)


The Politics of Seed in Africa’s Green Revolution,

edited with John Thompson, IDS Bulletin, 42(4)


Zimbabwe’s Land Reform. Myths and Realities

James Currey: Oxford (with Nelson Marongwe et al.) (2010).


Dynamic Sustainabilities: Linking environment, technology and social justice in a dynamic world

Earthscan: London (with Melissa Leach and Andy Stirling) (2010).


Avian Influenza: Science, Policy and Politics

Earthscan: London. (editor) (2010)


The Politics of Biofuels, Land and Agrarian Change

Edited with J. Borras and P McMichael, London: Routledge



Farmer First Revisited: Innovation for Agricultural Research and Development

London: Practical Action Publications. (ed. with John Thompson) (2009).



Science, Agriculture and Policy Processes. The case of Biotechnology in India

Orient-Longman: Hyderabad/Delhi (2006).


The Slow Race: Making Technology Work for the Poor

Demos: London (with Melissa Leach) (2006)


Understanding Policy Processes: A Review of IDS Research on the Environment

edited with IDS KNOTS team (2006)


New Directions for African Agriculture, 

with A. deGrassi, S. Devereux and L. Haddad, IDS Bulletin 36.2, IDS: Brighton



Citizens and Science. Globalisation and the Challenge of Engagement

Zed Press, London (edited with Melissa Leach and Brian Wynne) (2005).


Understanding Environmental Policy Processes: Cases from Africa

Earthscan, London (with James Keeley) (2003).


Livelihoods in crisis: new perspectives on governance and rural development in southern Africa

(ed. with William Wolmer), IDS Bulletin 34,3, IDS: Brighton (2003)



Negotiating Environmental Change. New Perspectives from Social Science 

Edward Elgar, Cheltenham (edited with Melissa Leach and Frans Berkhout) (2003)




Environmental Governance in an Uncertain World

IDS Bulletin 32.4, IDS: Brighton (2001)



Beyond Farmer First: Rural Peoples’ Knowledge, Agricultural Research and Extension Practice

(ed. with John Thompson). Intermediate Technology Publications, London (1994) [French edition, GRET/CTA].


Pathways of Change. Crops, Livestock and Livelihoods in Africa. Lessons from Ethiopia, Mali and Zimbabwe 

(edited with William Wolmer) (James Currey/Heinemann, 2002).


Dynamics and Diversity: Soil Fertility Management and Farming Livelihoods in Africa. Lessons from Ethiopia, Mali and Zimbabwe

(ed.). Earthscan, London (2001).


Policies for Soils Management in Africa 

(with Toulmin, C.). DFID, London (1999).

Community Based Sustainable Development: Consensus or Conflict?

with M. Leach and R. Mearns, IDS Bulletin 28.4, IDS: Brighton (2003)


Hazards and Opportunities. Farming Livelihoods in Dryland Africa: Lessons from Zimbabwe.

Zed Books, London (1996).


Sustaining the Soil: Indigenous Soil and Water Conservation in Africa

(ed. with Reij, C. and Toulmin, C.). Earthscan, London (1996).


Living with Uncertainty: New Directions for Pastoral Development in Africa. 

Intermediate Technology Publications, London (ed. 1995) [French edition, Karthala, Paris].



Participatory Learning and Action: A Trainers’ Guide

(with Pretty, J., Guijt, I. and Thompson, J.) Sustainable Agriculture Programme, IIED, London (1995).


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Strategies for the Sustainable Use of Fadama Lands in Northern Nigeria

(ed. with Kolawole, A., M. Awogbade, J. Voh). CSER, Zaria, Nigeria (1994).

Range Ecology at Disequilibrium. New Models of Natural Variability and Pastoral Adaptation in African Savannas 

(ed. with R. Behnke and C. Kerven). Overseas Development Institute, London (1993).


The Hidden Harvest: Wild Foods in Agricultural Systems

(with M. Melnyk and J. Pretty). IIED, London (1992).


Wetlands in Drylands: The Agroecology of Savanna Systems in Africa (Parts 1-3) 

(ed.). IIED, London (1991)


Sustainable Pastoralism in Africa: an annotated bibliography

IIED, London (1988).


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